


ur noble father; it was owing to the vicious nature of Zhang Kai and due to no fault of Tao Qian。 Now while the remnant of the Yellow Scarves is disturbing the lands; and Dong Zhuos partisans have the upper hand in the capital; I wish that you; Illustrious Sir; would regard the critical position of the court rather than your personal grievances; and so divert your forces from the attack on Xuzhou to the rescue of the state。 Such would be for the happiness of that city and the whole empire。〃

Cao Cao gave vent to a torrent of abuse: 〃Who is this Liu Bei that he dares write and exhort me? Beside; he means to be satirical。〃

Cao Cao issued orders to put the bearer of the letter to death and to press on the siege。

But Guo Jia remonstrated; saying; 〃Liu Bei has e from afar to help Tao Qian; and he is trying the effect of politeness before resorting to arms。 I pray you; my lord; reply with fair words that his heart may be lulled with a feeling of safety。 Then attack with vigor and the city will fall。〃

Cao Cao found this advice good; so he spared the messenger; telling him to wait to carry back his reply。 While this was going on; a horseman came with news of misfortune: 〃Lu Bu has invaded Yanzhou; now holding Puyang。 The three counties left………Juancheng; Fanxia; and Dongjun………are under severe attacks。〃

'e' Zhang Yang was among the eighteen lords who rallied against Dong Zhou at the Tiger Trap Pass。

When Li Jue and Guo Si; the two partisans of Dong Zhuo; succeeded in their attack on the capital; Lu Bu had fled to Yuan Shu。 However; Yuan Shu looked askance at him for his instability and refused to receive him。 Then Lu Bu went to try Yuan Shao; who was a brother of Yuan Shu。 Yuan Shao accepted the warrior and made use of him in an attack upon Zhang Yan in Changshan。 But his success filled him with pride; and his arrogant demeanor so annoyed the other manders that Yuan Shao was on the point of putting him to death。 To escape this Lu Bu had gone away to Zhang Yang*; Governor of Shangdang; who accepted his services。

About this time Pang Shu; who had been hiding and protecting Lu Bus family in Changan since his disappearance; restored them to him。 This deed angered Li Jue and Guo Si so that they put Pang Shu to death and wrote to Lu Bus protector to serve him the same。 To escape this Lu Bu once again had to flee and this time joined himself to Zhang Miao; the Governor of Chenliu。

Lu Bu arrived just as Zhang Miaos brother; Zhang Chao; was introducing Chen Gong。

Chen Gong said to Zhang Miao; 〃The rupture of the empire has begun; and warriors are seizing what they can。 It is strange that you; with all the advantages of population and provisions you enjoy; do not strike for independence。 Cao Cao has gone on an expedition against the east; leaving his own territory defenseless。 Lu Bu is one of the fighting people of the day。 If you and he together attacked and got Yanzhou; you could then proceed to the dominion。〃

Zhang Miao was pleased and resolved to try。 He ordered an attack; and soon Lu Bu was in possession of Yanzhou and its neighborhood; all but three small counties of Juancheng; Fanxia; and Dongjun; which were vigorously and desperately defended by Xun Yu and Cheng Yu in concert。 Cao Caos cousin; Cao Ren; had fought many battles but was repeatedly defeated; and the messenger with the evil tidings had e from him asking prompt help。

Cao Cao was greatly disturbed by this and said; 〃If my own region be lost; I have no home to return to。 I must do something at once。〃

〃The best thing would be to bee friends with Liu Bei at any cost and return to Yanzhou;〃 said Guo Jia。

Then Cao Cao wrote to Liu Bei; gave the letter to the waiting messenger and broke camp。 The news that the enemy had left was very gratifying to Tao Qian; who then invited his various defenders into Xuzhou City and prepared banquets and feasts in token of his gratitude。

At one of these; when the feasting was over; he proceeded with his wish of retirement in favor of Liu Bei。

Placing Liu Bei in the seat of highest honor; Tao Qian bowed before him and then addressed the assembly; 〃I am old and feeble; and my two sons lack the ability to hold so important an office as this。 The noble Liu Bei is a descendant of the imperial house。 He is of lofty virtue and great talent。 Let him then take over the rule of this region; and only too willingly I shall retire to have leisure to nurse my health。〃

Liu Bei replied; 〃I came at the request of Governor Kong Rong; because it was the right thing to do。 Xuzhou is saved; but if I take it; surely the world will say I am a wicked man。〃

Mi Zhu said; 〃You may not refuse。 The House of Han is falling; their realm is crumbling; and now is the time for doughty deeds and signal services。 This is a fertile region; well populated and rich; and you are the man to rule over it。〃

〃But I cannot accept;〃 said Liu Bei。

〃Imperial Protector Tao Qian is a great sufferer;〃 said Chen Deng; 〃and cannot see to matters。 You may not decline; Sir。〃

Said Liu Bei; 〃Yuan Shu belongs to a family of rulers; who have held the highest offices of state four times in three generations。 The multitude people respects him。 Why not invite him to this task?〃

〃Because Yuan Shu is a drying skeleton in a dark tomb: Not worth talking about。 This opportunity is a gift from Heaven; and you will never cease to regret its loss;〃 said Kong Rong。

So spoke Kong Rong; but still Liu Bei obstinately refused。

Tao Qian besought him with tears; saying; 〃I shall die if you leave me; and there will be none to close my eyes。〃

〃Brother; you should accept the offer thus made;〃 said Guan Yu。

〃Why so much fuss?〃 said Zhang Fei。 〃We have not taken the place。 It is he who wishes to give it you。〃

〃You all persuade me to do what is wrong;〃 said Liu Bei。

Seeing he could not persuade Liu Bei; Tao Qian then said; 〃As you are set in determination; perhaps you will consent to encamp at Xiaopei。 It is only a little town; but thence you can keep watch and ward over the region。〃

They all with one voice prayed Liu Bei to consent; so he gave in。 The feast of victory being now ended; the time came to say farewell。 When Zhao Yun took his leave; Liu Bei held his hands alternately while dashing away the falling tears。 Kong Rong and Tien Kai went home to their own places。

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