


The wind rose in the night and at three oclock in the morning with the rain ing in sheets there was a bombardment and the Croatians came over across the mountain meadows and through patches of woods and into the front line。 They fought in the dark in the rain and a counter…attack of scared men from the second line drove them back。 There was much shelling and many rockets in the rain and machine…gun and rifle fire all along the line。 They did not e again and it was quieter and between the gusts of wind and rain we could hear the sound of a great bombardment far to the north。

The wounded were ing into the post; some were carried on stretchers; some walking and some were brought on the backs of men that came across the field。 They were wet to the skin and all were scared。 We filled two cars with stretcher cases as they came up from the cellar of the post and as I shut the door of the second car and fastened it I felt the rain on my face turn to snow。 The flakes were ing heavy and fast in the rain。

When daylight came the storm was still blowing but the snow had stopped。 It had melted as it fell on the wet ground and now it was raining again。 There was another attack just after daylight but it was unsuccessful。 We expected an attack all day but it did not e until the sun was going down。 The bombardment started to the south below the long wooded ridge where the Austrian guns were concentrated。 We expected a bombardment but it did not e。 It was getting dark。 Guns were firing from the field behind the village and the shells; going away; had a fortable sound。

We heard that the attack to the south had been unsuccessful。 They did not attack that night but we heard that they had broken through to the north。 In the night word came that we were to prepare to retreat。 The captain at the post told me this。 He had it from the Brigade。 A little while later he came from the telephone and said it was a lie。 The Brigade had received orders that the line of the Bainsizza should be held no matter what happened。 I asked about the break through and he said that he had heard at the Brigade that the Austrians had broken through the twenty…seventh army corps up toward Caporetto。 There had been a great battle in the north all day。

〃If those bastards let them through we are cooked;〃 he said。

〃Its Germans that are attacking;〃 one of the medical officers said。 The word Germans was something to be frightened of。 We did not want to have anything to do with the Germans。

〃There are fifteen divisions of Germans;〃 the medical officer said。 〃They have broken through and we will be cut off。〃

〃At the Brigade; they say this line is to be held。 They say they have not broken through badly and that we will hold a line across the mountains from Monte Maggiore。〃

〃Where do they hear this?〃

〃From the Division。〃

〃The word that we were to retreat came from the Division。〃

〃We work under the Army Corps;〃 I said。 〃But here I work under you。 Naturally when you tell me to go I will go。 But get the orders straight。〃

〃The orders are that we stay here。 You clear the wounded from here to the clearing station。〃

〃Sometimes we clear from the clearing station to the field hospitals too;〃 I said。 〃Tell me; I have never seen a retreat……if there is a retreat how are all the wounded evacuated?〃

〃They are not。 They take as many as they can and leave the rest。〃

〃What will I take in the cars?〃

〃Hospital equipment。〃

〃All right;〃 I said。

The next night the retreat started。 We heard that Germans and Austrians had broken through in the north and were ing down the mountain valleys toward Cividale and Udine。 The retreat was orderly; wet and sullen。 In the night; going slowly along the crowded roads we passed troops marching under the rain; guns; horses pulling wagons; mules; motor trucks; all moving away from the front。 There was no more disorder than in an advance。

That night we helped empty the field hospitals that had been set up in the least ruined villages of the plateau; taking the wounded down to Plava on the river…bed: and the next day hauled all day in the rain to evacuate the hospitals and clearing station at Plava。 It rained steadily and the army of the Bainsizza moved down off the plateau in the October rain and across the river where the great victories had menced in the spring of that year。 We came into Gorizia in the middle of the next day。 The rain had stopped and the town was nearly empty。 As we came up the street they were loading the girls from the soldiers whorehouse into a truck。 There were seven girls and they had on their hats and coats and carried small suitcases。 Two of them were crying。 Of the others one smiled at us and put out her tongue and fluttered it up and down。 She had thick full lips and black eyes。

I stopped the car and went over and spoke to the matron。 The girls from the officers house had left early that morning; she said。 Where were they going? To Conegliano; she said。 The truck started。 The girl with thick lips put out her tongue again at us。 The matron waved。 The two girls kept on crying。 The others looked interestedly out at the town。 I got back in the car。

〃We ought to go with them;〃 Bonello said。 〃That would be a good trip。〃

〃Well have a good trip;〃 I said。

〃Well have a hell of a trip。〃

〃Thats what I mean;〃 I said。 We came up the drive to the villa。

〃Id like to be there when some of those tough babies climb in and try and hop them。〃

〃You think they will?〃

〃Sure。 Everybody in the Second Army knows that matron。〃

We were outside the villa。

〃They call her the Mother Superior;〃 Bonello said。 〃The girls are new but everybody knows her。 They must have brought them up just before the retreat。〃

〃Theyll have a time。〃

〃Ill say theyll have a time。 Id like to have a crack at them for nothing。 They charge too much at that house anyway。 The government gyps us。〃

〃Take the car out and have the mechanics go over it;〃 I said。 〃Change the oil and check the differential。 Fill it up and then get some sleep。〃

言咒师  月在回廊新月如钩_(全书已完结)  郭靖,别跑(  四合院:从杀猪佬开始  师兄竟是战略级房产经纪大师  三年抱俩,冷硬军官别太宠  爱江山  一默如雷  [HP]成为獾祖的人生  小宫女(辣)  昆仑镜之宁不臣  奇怪的运动  北后  斗罗:千仞雪的伐神之路  我只想闯荡江湖  药膳空间[种田养子] 作者:辣椒拌饭  重生之成就非凡  爱恨交织  侍灵记  邪妃盗情:粘人相公太妖娆  















