


slapped my arms to keep the circulation going。 I had woven underwear and I did not think I would catch cold if I kept moving。 They had taken my pistol at the road and I put the holster under my coat。 I had no cape and it was cold in the rain。 I started up the bank of the canal。 It was daylight and the country was wet; low and dismal looking。 The fields were bare and wet; a long way away I could see a campanile rising out of the plain。 I came up onto a road。 Ahead I saw some troops ing down the road。 I limped along the side of the road and they passed me and paid no attention to me。 They were a machine…gun detachment going up toward the river。 I went on down the road。

That day I crossed the Venetian plain。 It is a low level country and under the rain it is even flatter。 Toward the sea there are salt marshes and very few roads。 The roads all go along the river mouths to the sea and to cross the country you must go along the paths beside the canals。 I was working across the country from the north to the south and had crossed two railway lines and many roads and finally I came out at the end of a path onto a railway line where it ran beside a marsh。 It was the main line from Venice to Trieste; with a high solid embankment; a solid roadbed and double track。 Down the tracks a way was a flag…station and I could see soldiers on guard。 Up the line there was a bridge over a stream that flowed into the marsh。 I could see a guard too at the bridge。 Crossing the fields to the north I had seen a train pass on this railroad; visible a long way across the flat plain; and I thought a train might e from Portogruaro。 I watched the guards and lay down on the embankment so that I could see both ways along the track。 The guard at the bridge walked a way up the line toward where flay; then turned and went back toward the bridge。 I lay; and was hungry; and waited for the train。 The one I had seen was so long that the engine moved it very slowly and I was sure I could get aboard it。 After I had almost given up hoping for one I saw a train ing。 The engine; ing straight on; grew larger slowly。 I looked at the guard at the bridge。 He was walking on the near side of the bridge but on the other side of the tracks。 That would put him out of sight when the train passed。 I watched the engine e nearer。 It was working hard。 I could see there were many cars。 I knew there would be guards on the train; and I tried to see where they were; but; keeping out of sight; I could not。 The engine was almost to where I was lying。 When it came opposite; working and puffing even on the level; and I saw the engineer pass; I stood up and stepped up close to the passing cars。 If the guards were watching I was a less suspicious object standing beside the track。 Several closed freight…cars passed。 Then I saw a low open car of the sort they call gondolas ing; covered with canvas。 I stood until it had almost passed; then jumped and caught the rear hand…rods and pulled up。 I crawled down between the gondola and the shelter of the high freight…car behind。 I did not think any one had seen me。 I was holding to the hand…rods and crouching low; my feet on the coupling。 We were almost opposite the bridge。 I remembered the guard。 As we passed him he looked at me。 He was a boy and his helmet was too big for him。 I stared at him contemptuously and he looked away。 He thought I had something to do with the train。

We were past。 I saw him still looking unfortable; watching the other cars pass and I stooped to see how the canvas was fastened。 It had grummets and was laced down at the edge with cord。 I took out my knife; cut the cord and put my arm under。 There were hard bulges under the canvas that tightened in the rain。 I looked up and ahead。 There was a guard on the freight…car ahead but he was looking forward。 I let go of the hand…rails and ducked under the canvas。 My forehead hit something that gave me a violent bump and I felt blood on my face but I crawled on in and lay flat。 Then I turned around and fastened down the canvas。

I was in under the canvas with guns。 They smelled cleanly of oil and grease。 I lay and listened to the rain on the canvas and the clicking of the car over the rails。 There was a little light came through and I lay and looked at the guns。 They had their canvas jackets on。 I thought they must have been sent ahead from the third army。 The bump on my forehead was swollen and I stopped the bleeding by lying still and letting it coagulate; then picked away the dried blood except over the cut。 It was nothing。 I had no handkerchief; but feeling with my fingers I washed away where the dried blood had been; with rainwater that dripped from the canvas; and wiped it clean with the sleeve of my coat。 I did not want to look conspicuous。 I knew I would have to get out before they got to Mestre because they would be taking care of these guns。 They had no guns to lose or forget about。 I was terrifically hungry。


Lying on the floor of the flat…car with the guns beside me under the canvas I was wet; cold and very hungry。 Finally I rolled over and lay flat on my stomach with my head on my arms。 My knee was stiff; but it had been very satisfactory。 Valentini had done a fine job。 I had done half the retreat on foot and swum part of the Tagliamento with his knee。 It was his knee all right。 The other knee was mine。 Doctors did things to you and then it was not your body any more。 The head was mine; and the inside of the belly。 It was very hungry in there。 I could feel it turn over on itself。 The head was mine; but not to use; not to think with; only to remember and not too much remember。

I could remember Catherine but I knew I would get crazy if I thought about her when I was not sure yet I would see her; so I would not think about her; only about her a little; only about her with the car going slowly and clickingly; and some light through the canvas and my lying with Catherine on the floor of the car。 Hard as the floor of the car to lie not thinking only feeling; having been away too long; the clothes wet and the floor moving only a little each time and lonesome inside and alone with wet clothing and hard floor for a wife。

You did not love the floor of a flat…car nor guns with canvas jackets and the smell of vaselined metal or a canvas that rain leaked through; although it is very fine under a canvas and pleasant with guns; but you loved some one else whom now you knew was not even to be pretended there; you seeing now very clearly and coldly……not so coldly as clearly and emptily。 You saw emptily; lying on your stomach; having been present when one army moved back and another came forward。 You had lost your cars and your men as a floorwalker loses the stock of his department in a fire。 There was; however; no insurance。 You were out of it now。 You had no more obligation。 If they shot floorwalkers after a fire in the department store because they spoke with an accent they had always had; then certainly the floorwalkers would not be expected to return when the store opened again for business。 They might seek other employment; if there was any other employment and the police did not get them。

Anger was washed away in the river along with any obligation。 Although that ceased when the carabiniere put his hands on my collar。 I would like to have had the uniform off although I did not care much about the outward forms。 I had taken off the stars; but that was for convenience。 It was no point of honor。 I was not against them。 I was through。 I wished them all the luck。 There were the good ones; and the brave ones; and the calm ones and the sensible ones; and they deserved it。 But it was not my show any more and I wished this bloody train would get to Mestre and I would eat and stop thinking。 I would have to stop。

Piani would tell them they had shot me。 They went through the pockets and took the papers of the people they shot。 They would not have my papers。 They might call me drowned。 I wondered what they would hear in the States。 Dead from wounds and other causes。 Good Christ I was hungry。 I wondered what had bee of the priest at the mess。 And Rinaldi。 He was probably at Pordenone。 If they had not gone further back。 Well; I would never see him now。 I would never see any of them now。 That life was over。 I did not think he had syphilis。 It was not a serious disease anyway if you took it in time; they said。 But he would worry。 I would worry too if I had it。 Any one would worry。

I was not made to think。 I was made to eat。 My God; yes。 Eat and drink and sleep with Catherine。 To…night maybe。 No that was impossible。 But to…morrow night; and a good meal and sheets and never going away again except together。 Probably have to go damned quickly。 She would go。 I knew she would go。 When would we go? That was something to think about。 It was getting dark。 I lay and thought where we would go。 There were many places。



I dropped off the train in Milan as it slowed to e into the station early in the morning before it was light。 I crossed the track and came out between some buildings and down onto the street。 A wine shop was open and I went in for some coffee。 It smelled of early morning; of swept dust; spoons in coffee…glasses and the wet circles left by wine…glasses。 The proprietor was behind the bar。 Two soldiers sat at a table。 I stood at the bar and drank a glass of coffee and ate a piece of bread。 The coffee was gray with milk; and I skimmed the milk scum off the top with a piece of bread。 The proprietor looked at me。

〃You want a glass of grappa?〃

〃No thanks。〃

〃On me;〃 he said and poured a small glass and pushed it toward me。 〃Whats happening at the front?〃

〃I would not know。〃

〃They are drunk;〃 he said; moving his hand toward the two soldiers。 I could believe him。 They looked drunk。

〃Tell me;〃 he said; 〃what is happening at the front?〃

〃I would not know about the front。〃

〃I saw you e down the wall。 You came off the train。〃

〃There is a big retreat。〃

〃I read the papers。 What happens? Is it over?〃

〃I dont think so。〃

He filled the glass with grappa from a short bottle。 〃If you are in trouble;〃 he said; 〃I can keep you。〃

〃I am not in trouble。〃

昆仑镜之宁不臣  郭靖,别跑(  我只想闯荡江湖  重生之成就非凡  月在回廊新月如钩_(全书已完结)  斗罗:千仞雪的伐神之路  爱恨交织  三年抱俩,冷硬军官别太宠  四合院:从杀猪佬开始  药膳空间[种田养子] 作者:辣椒拌饭  言咒师  北后  奇怪的运动  一默如雷  [HP]成为獾祖的人生  小宫女(辣)  邪妃盗情:粘人相公太妖娆  师兄竟是战略级房产经纪大师  侍灵记  爱江山  















